Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Why Teach Like A Flamingo?

Why should you teach like a flamingo? Is it because #teachlikeapineapple was already taken? No! I have lived by the "pineapple" principle for many years.

Stand Tall, Wear a Crown, and Be Sweet on the Inside 

This has been a powerful mantra for me. I like the idea that we need to "own it" and still remember to be kind, but it is now the time of the flamingo. It is officially time to #teachlikeaflamingo

This means to "create the culture of uniquely you." We are not cookie cutter teachers. There is no one size fits all classroom. As educators flock into the twenty-first century, it is time to celebrate our strengths, our struggles, and the times that we need to just "flamingle" with one another.

Come along side and experience my unique journey as I reflect, share, and prepare to tackle what the world throws my way. I intend to share with a happy heart and joyful spirit as I work to create a classroom environment that is not uniquely MINE but uniquely MY STUDENTS'! Somedays, I will have to use strong balancing techniques and others I will have to let them fly.

In the words of the great T. Swift, "Are you ready for it?"

My Teacher Trick during Flu Season

This is a silly thing; in fact, I almost feel guilty calling it a tip. However, I really do feel like it's one of those easy things...